15 мин четене

Погледнато отстрани, изглежда така, сякаш Филип Плейн има всичко, за което един човек може да копнее в този живот – собствен бизнес, утвърдено име, купища пари и красива жена до себе си… Истината обаче е, че едва наскоро дизайнерът успя да сбъдне може би най-голямата си мечта, която преследва в продължение на повече от две десетилетия. Преди няколко дни той се похвали в личния си Инстаграм акаунт, че съвсем скоро ще завърши строежа на величественото си имение, разположено сред живописните хълмове на тузарския квартал в Уестсайд – Бел Еър, Лос Анджелис, където живеят редица филмови звезди.

Бърза справка в интернет показва, че там минималната цена на постройка се върти около 30… милиона долара, разбира се. Но, реализирайки своя блян, германецът е платил почти десет пъти повече. Общата стойност на имота, ширещ се на 14 декара, възлиза на 280 млн. Сумата неслучайно възлиза на цяло състояние, тъй като някога земята е принадлежала на легендарния Хауърд Хюз.


Ето какво пише в своя профил Плейн: „Всичко започна с една мечта, когато бях 16-годишен! 26 г. по-късно виждам как тя се сбъдва! Купих този парцел през 2014 г. Първоначално той е бил собственост на пилота, кинопродуцент, предприемач и плейбой Хауърд Хюз. Ако искате да разберете повече за живота му, можете да гледате блокбастъра от 2004 г. на Мартин Скорсезе – „Авиаторът“. В него главната роля се изпълнява от Леонардо ди Каприо, който влиза в образа на бизнес магната“, гласят думите му, придружени с редица кадри на екстравагантното здание, в което ремонтите ще продължат до следващата година.


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BUILDING THE 200 MILLION DOLLAR CHATEAU FALCON VIEW ON 3.6 acres IN BEL AIR, LOS ANGELES ! It all started with a dream when I was 16 ! 26 years later I can see the dream come true !!!! THIS LAND WAS PURCHASED BY ME 2014 ! Originally it was once owned by the legendary MULTIBILLIONAIRE Howard Hughes ! LEGENDARY ENTREPRENEUR, FILMMAKER, AVIATOR AND PLAYBOY ! IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE INCREDIBLE LIFE OF HOWARD WATCH THE HOLLYWOOD BLOCKBUSTER ABOUT HIS LIFE “THE AVIATOR”! The Aviator is a 2004 American epic biographical drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by John Logan. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Howard Hughes! Howard Robard Hughes Jr. (December 24, 1905 – April 5, 1976) was an American business magnate, investor, record-setting pilot, engineer,[4] film director, and philanthropist, known during his lifetime as one of the most financially successful individuals in the world. He first became prominent as a film producer, and then as an influential figure in the aviation industry. Later in life, he became known for his eccentric behavior and reclusive lifestyle—As a film tycoon, Hughes gained fame in Hollywood beginning in the late 1920s, when he produced big-budget and often controversial films such as The Racket (1928),[5] Hell’s Angels (1930),[6] and Scarface (1932). Later he controlled the RKO film studio. Hughes formed the Hughes Aircraft Company in 1932, hiring numerous engineers and designers. He spent the rest of the 1930s and much of the 1940s setting multiple world air speed records and building the Hughes H-1 Racer and H-4 Hercules (the Spruce Goose). He acquired and expanded Trans World Airlines and later acquired Air West, renaming it Hughes Airwest. Hughes was included in Flying Magazine’s list of the 51 Heroes of Aviation, ranked at No. 25. CHATEAU FALCON VIEW, BEL AIR – LOS ANGELES 🤍GUESTHOUSE VIEWS @chateaufalconview #BELAIR #chateaufalconview @harrisondesign

Публикация, споделена от Philipp Plein (@philippplein) на

За разлика от основната сграда, в която се очаква модният гуру да се настани след няколко месеца, къщата за гости, определена от американското списание „GQ“ като нагледен пример за суета, е почти готова. Макар да е предвидена за визитите на близките и приятелите на собственика на модния бранд, тя е достатъчно просторна, за да побере поне три 5-членни семейства, които съвсем спокойно могат да живеят за постоянно под покрива ѝ.


Помещенията в нея са предимно от мрамор и масивно дърво, а преобладаващите цветове са черно и бяло, въпреки че на места се срещат цветни акценти, като пъстрите ръчно рисувани тапети, пресъздаващи приказна тропическа джунгла и нейните обитатели, или тези с леопардов принт, поставени на тавана в три от всекидневните на жилището. Без значение, че всичките стаи разполагат с огромни прозорци, допускащи слънчева светлина през целия ден, масивните и грандиозни полилеи, изработени в разнообразни форми от кристали Swarovski, са част от интериора, включващ и множество орнаменти от френския барок. Очевидно обаче и те не са достатъчни, понеже дори по стените, наред с огледалата, се редят немалко лампи, пише life.dir.bg.


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BUILDING THE 200 MILLION DOLLAR CHATEAU FALCON VIEW ON 3.6 acres IN BEL AIR, LOS ANGELES ! It all started with a dream when I was 16 ! 26 years later I can see the dream come true !!!! THIS LAND WAS PURCHASED BY ME 2014 ! Originally it was once owned by the legendary MULTIBILLIONAIRE Howard Hughes ! LEGENDARY ENTREPRENEUR, FILMMAKER, AVIATOR AND PLAYBOY ! IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE INCREDIBLE LIFE OF HOWARD WATCH THE HOLLYWOOD BLOCKBUSTER ABOUT HIS LIFE “THE AVIATOR”! The Aviator is a 2004 American epic biographical drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by John Logan. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Howard Hughes! Howard Robard Hughes Jr. (December 24, 1905 – April 5, 1976) was an American business magnate, investor, record-setting pilot, engineer,[4] film director, and philanthropist, known during his lifetime as one of the most financially successful individuals in the world. He first became prominent as a film producer, and then as an influential figure in the aviation industry. Later in life, he became known for his eccentric behavior and reclusive lifestyle—As a film tycoon, Hughes gained fame in Hollywood beginning in the late 1920s, when he produced big-budget and often controversial films such as The Racket (1928),[5] Hell’s Angels (1930),[6] and Scarface (1932). Later he controlled the RKO film studio. Hughes formed the Hughes Aircraft Company in 1932, hiring numerous engineers and designers. He spent the rest of the 1930s and much of the 1940s setting multiple world air speed records and building the Hughes H-1 Racer and H-4 Hercules (the Spruce Goose). He acquired and expanded Trans World Airlines and later acquired Air West, renaming it Hughes Airwest. Hughes was included in Flying Magazine’s list of the 51 Heroes of Aviation, ranked at No. 25. CHATEAU FALCON VIEW, BEL AIR – LOS ANGELES 🤍GUESTHOUSE VIEWS @chateaufalconview #BELAIR #chateaufalconview @harrisondesign

Публикация, споделена от Philipp Plein (@philippplein) на

Основното стълбище, което минава над арката в преддверието, свързващо първия и втория етаж, е вдъхновено от класическия анимационен филм на „Дисни“ от 1991 г. – „Красавицата и звярът“, и наподобява това в замъка на принцът, превърнат в чудовище.

Дръжките на вратите в къщата са специално гравирани с инициалите на „Falcon View Crest“, а сред ексцентричните придобивки във вътрешността попадат винтидж аркадна игра, изработена от 24-каратово злато в Париж, черна вана във формата на диамант, внесена от Португалия, и мраморни статуи на гладиатори.


Вместо басейн, в двора, изпълнен с колони в йонийски стил, Плейн планира да направи цял плажен клуб, който ще кръсти „Лебедът“. В него гостите му ще могат да намерят спасение от високите калифорнийски температури, при това с чаша студен коктейл в ръка.



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BUILDING THE 200 MILLION DOLLAR CHATEAU FALCON VIEW ON 3.6 acres IN BEL AIR, LOS ANGELES ! It all started with a dream when I was 16 ! 26 years later I can see the dream come true !!!! THIS LAND WAS PURCHASED BY ME 2014 ! Originally it was once owned by the legendary MULTIBILLIONAIRE Howard Hughes ! LEGENDARY ENTREPRENEUR, FILMMAKER, AVIATOR AND PLAYBOY ! IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE INCREDIBLE LIFE OF HOWARD WATCH THE HOLLYWOOD BLOCKBUSTER ABOUT HIS LIFE “THE AVIATOR”! The Aviator is a 2004 American epic biographical drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by John Logan. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Howard Hughes! Howard Robard Hughes Jr. (December 24, 1905 – April 5, 1976) was an American business magnate, investor, record-setting pilot, engineer,[4] film director, and philanthropist, known during his lifetime as one of the most financially successful individuals in the world. He first became prominent as a film producer, and then as an influential figure in the aviation industry. Later in life, he became known for his eccentric behavior and reclusive lifestyle—As a film tycoon, Hughes gained fame in Hollywood beginning in the late 1920s, when he produced big-budget and often controversial films such as The Racket (1928),[5] Hell’s Angels (1930),[6] and Scarface (1932). Later he controlled the RKO film studio. Hughes formed the Hughes Aircraft Company in 1932, hiring numerous engineers and designers. He spent the rest of the 1930s and much of the 1940s setting multiple world air speed records and building the Hughes H-1 Racer and H-4 Hercules (the Spruce Goose). He acquired and expanded Trans World Airlines and later acquired Air West, renaming it Hughes Airwest. Hughes was included in Flying Magazine’s list of the 51 Heroes of Aviation, ranked at No. 25. CHATEAU FALCON VIEW, BEL AIR – LOS ANGELES 🤍GUESTHOUSE VIEWS @chateaufalconview #BELAIR #chateaufalconview @harrisondesign

Публикация, споделена от Philipp Plein (@philippplein) на


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BUILDING THE 200 MILLION DOLLAR CHATEAU FALCON VIEW ON 3.6 acres IN BEL AIR, LOS ANGELES ! It all started with a dream when I was 16 ! 26 years later I can see the dream come true !!!! THIS LAND WAS PURCHASED BY ME 2014 ! Originally it was once owned by the legendary MULTIBILLIONAIRE Howard Hughes ! LEGENDARY ENTREPRENEUR, FILMMAKER, AVIATOR AND PLAYBOY ! IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE INCREDIBLE LIFE OF HOWARD WATCH THE HOLLYWOOD BLOCKBUSTER ABOUT HIS LIFE “THE AVIATOR”! The Aviator is a 2004 American epic biographical drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by John Logan. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Howard Hughes! Howard Robard Hughes Jr. (December 24, 1905 – April 5, 1976) was an American business magnate, investor, record-setting pilot, engineer,[4] film director, and philanthropist, known during his lifetime as one of the most financially successful individuals in the world. He first became prominent as a film producer, and then as an influential figure in the aviation industry. Later in life, he became known for his eccentric behavior and reclusive lifestyle—As a film tycoon, Hughes gained fame in Hollywood beginning in the late 1920s, when he produced big-budget and often controversial films such as The Racket (1928),[5] Hell’s Angels (1930),[6] and Scarface (1932). Later he controlled the RKO film studio. Hughes formed the Hughes Aircraft Company in 1932, hiring numerous engineers and designers. He spent the rest of the 1930s and much of the 1940s setting multiple world air speed records and building the Hughes H-1 Racer and H-4 Hercules (the Spruce Goose). He acquired and expanded Trans World Airlines and later acquired Air West, renaming it Hughes Airwest. Hughes was included in Flying Magazine’s list of the 51 Heroes of Aviation, ranked at No. 25. CHATEAU FALCON VIEW, BEL AIR – LOS ANGELES 🤍GUESTHOUSE VIEWS @chateaufalconview #BELAIR #chateaufalconview @harrisondesign

Публикация, споделена от Philipp Plein (@philippplein) на

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