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В световноизвестната певица Ариана Гранде е влюбен Кристиан Костов. Младият роден изпълнител има чувства към знаменитостта.

„Май съм влюбен в Ариана Гранде“, призна Костов, без да дава повече подробности.


Живеещият в Русия музикант няколко пъти е срещал Ариана, отбелязва „България днес“. Преди години той прекара няколко месеца в Америка, където е успял да се докосне до Гранде.


Вижте тази публикация в Instagram.


I strive to always read the comments and it’s exciting to see that you guys are interested in what’s going on in my head when I write music, where the ideas come from and so on. But to be honest, songs are only the tip of the iceberg that you see, there is actually so much more to that. I often wonder, how do I come to terms with what I feel, see and project in my imagination? At times, there are entire universes that emerge in my head, with their own values and order. As well as that, I frequently fantasize about what it would be like to be someone else, whether another person or even another creature. It’s bizarre, but it’s almost like I visualize forms and shapes instead of thinking in words. This is how I recently invented a very special otherwordly universe that means a lot to me. These contemplations and insights have helped us give birth to our new project. The name is VOSTOK, and it is constructed from the pieces of my last name, taken apart and assembled back together. It is no coincidence. For this project, I had to reinvent myself as an artist in order to be able to write and sing music that goes beyond the limitations of genre under the new name. This story is about solitude in space, humanness, cognition and the highest form of self. No one has seen it yet… and I’m nervous. Shall we start? Initializing… VOSTOK

Публикация, споделена от Kristian Kostov (@kristian_kostov_official) на

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